Ever stronger track record for our Well Test App
Since 2015, we've enabled our clients to fully utilize their test capacity and steer clear of needless production deferment while obtaining high-quality test results. Almost 10 years in the game, and the Well Test App is still advancing.

- Author
- Christine Foss Sjulstad
- Publish date
- · 3 min read
«So today we celebrate our demanding clients, their undwindling support while we work things out, and the recent upgrades they're fostering, ensuring that our product is market-leading»
Our Well Test App is gaining a lot of traction these days and is richly applied by our clients. And so it's in due time that we share how the app is used, and how it's continuously evolving. But before that, you might not be fully aware of what well testing is. Below you'll find a small introduction to the concept if you're interested:
Though highly instrumented, the production from each single well isn't necessarily measured very accurately. The total exported production is always known, but a well test is often required to precisely measure how much a single well contributes to that total production.
There are two main ways of testing a well's contribution:
- Regular tests: By routing the well's production (alone) to a designated test separator and measuring it directly.
- Deduction or by-difference tests: By closing or re-routing the well and deducing the well's contribution by comparing the total production before and after the well was shut in or re-routed.
An oil and gas field will try to regularly test a well, but is often limited in test capacity due to many wells sharing the same test separator, the considerable production deferment related to deduction tests or other flow assurance considerations.
With standard Well Test App functionality like:
- Automatic test detection and tracking
- Uncertainty estimation and criteria
- User-adjusted and -assessed tests
- Single-source test database
for both regular tests (with a designated test separator) and deduction (or by-difference) tests, our clients are already achieving an optimized test workflow while securing data points of provable value. The magic trick is to follow our quantified uncertainties while testing, and simply ending and assessing the test when some pre-defined criteria are fulfilled - all steps that the app guides you through in an intuitive and user-friendly manner. Easy enough, right? Though not very easy to envision I admit. For a more visual introduction to the Well Test App please see the short product video below.
Video from Spring 2021 demonstrating the Well Test App
The Well Test App leads almost always to a reduction in the time it takes to test a well, and therefore a better utilized test capacity. But if we're talking about deduction tests, these are frequently associated with a considerable production deferment because the well is often shut in for this purpose. As such, the reduced test duration can be converted to a monetary value, which is exemplified below for one of the oil and gas fields that have the Well Test App up-and-running.
- 9 deduction tests
for three wells over 1.5 years
- 15,000 barrels
worth of avoided production deferment
- 13 MNOK
worth of avoided production deferment
And so we are way past a proof-of-concept now, and the Well Test App just keeps getting better. In fact, every client brings about their own test challenges, peculiarities, and demands to ensure that the app has seen it all. So today we celebrate our demanding clients, their undwindling support while we work things out, and the recent upgrades they're fostering, ensuring that our product is market-leading.
- Auto-assessment
Tests automatically assessed, optimizing the subperiod to deduce the test results from
- PROSPER/EC-integrate
PROSPER reservoir models automatically updated with approved tests. Two-way test migration with EC.
- Commingled testing
Multiple producers' flow tested, while deducing the flow from each producer in isolation from data